Monday, 12 January 2009

:: The first lesson:: 

In this lesson, which I see as a prelude to this series instance to the world 
Wallace Yu SEO 
The definition and importance of the most important principles 

The word "Sioux" is the Arabization of the English word "SEO" 
And in detail, which means "Search Engine Optimization" 
And that we can translate the words "compliance with the search engines" 
This is the language 

In terms of electronic and more important to us
Valsio is a set of Althagniat aimed to get a higher ranking 
To your site 
Between the outcomes of major search engines 
Balthali and access to visitors from these engines 
The most popular search engines are targeted: 
- Google Google 
- Yahoo Yahoo 
- Life Serech Live Search 
- Alexa Alexa 
- Altavista AltaVista 

Sioux importance for the site is reflected in the fact that it is defined first and last 
The value of your site 
And the number of visitors 
If you have a good ranking in search engines 
Would get more visitors 
And will be able to work on your Sioux 
This means that the site will be called 
Search Engine Optimized 
The pages of your site will be considered 
Search Engine Friendly Pages 

The most important principles of the Sioux are as follows: 
- The Meta-Tags 
- Sitemap Sitemap 
- The Bounce rate 
- The Unique Content

First, what is the Meta-Tags? 
Meta-Tags of code is placed in the pages of a particular site to provide rudimentary information about this page 
Rhoferat search engines for Robots 
Put this code in any Haidr page urges the words  
It would be as follows:

Note in the example above, there are several Ofassam of the most important code: 
Title and robots and des-cription and keywords, and page-topic and audience, and copyright 
These are the most important sections of the Meta-Tags 

Now we come to recognize the importance of the Meta-Tags in the Compliance to the search engines (SEO) 
The role of the Meta-Tags statute is that it provides all the information on the primary site or one of your pages for search engines 
Hittite that this is ranked last among the other sites 
This information is as follows: 
Title: the title of your site or one of its pages 
Des-cription: Ootarev description of your site 
KeyWords: your existing keywords 
Page-Topic: subject of the page (not important)
audience: the target group of any of your site are your visitors? Children, adults, ... 
CopyRight: Copyright for Your Site 

Now, we will explain the role of each section of the Meta-Tags separately and how to fill 

:: Title:: 
URL or page 

Must be in the form of:

To put the words instead of Your Site or Page Title 
Your URL or a page from the 
So it must be understood, concise and not full of big words and non-coordinated 
Example of a Good Title:

Example of the wrong and not true:
Seo forums

Ootarev description of your site 

Must be in the form of:
Where the offset is Your Site Des-cription good and concise definition of your site 
True example:
Ensure your site to rank first in search engines, Join us now! ">
Wrong example:  
:: KeyWords:: 

Is the most important section in the Meta-Tags, therefore, must be filled very carefully 
It must be in the form of:

Keyword1 put in place the floor keyword 1, keyword Keyword2 floor 2 ... 
And the keywords that match any of the content of your site if they were the word "Forum" 
On your site to be available on the forum or at least the page Taathzt forums 
True example:

Wrong example: 

Understanding SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) is such a broad term. It
can be quite overwhelming if you try to take the whole
of it in a single bite. There are so many facets of search
engine optimization, from how search engines work (and they
all work a little differently) to how a web page is designed. There
are enough elements to worry about that you could spend far
more time than you can afford to invest in trying to achieve the
SEO you have in mind. However, search engine optimization
doesn’t have to be such an onerous task that it can’t be accomplished.
Not if you understand what it is and how it works.
Part I explains the basics of search engine optimization. This part
includes an explanation of what search engines are and how they
work. There is also an explanation of the concept of an SEO plan.
Together, these two elements will have you up to speed and ready
to begin implementing the right SEO strategies to build the web
site traffic that you need

What do you do when you need to find something on the Internet?
In most cases, you pop over to one of the major search engines
and type in the term or phrase that you’re looking for and then
click through the results, right? But of course search engines weren’t always
In its infancy, the Internet wasn’t what you think of when you use it now. In
fact, it was nothing like the web of interconnected sites that’s become one of
the greatest business facilitators of our time. Instead, what was called the
Internet was actually a collection of FTP (File Transfer Protocol) sites that
users could access to download (or upload) files.
To find a specific file in that collection, users had to navigate through each
file. Sure, there were shortcuts. If you knew the right people — that would be
the people who knew the exact address of the file you were looking for — you
could go straight to the file. That’s assuming you knew exactly what you were
looking for.
The whole process made finding files on the Internet a difficult, timeconsuming
exercise in patience. But that was before a student at McGill
University in Montreal decided there had to be an easier way. In 1990,
Alan Emtage created the first search tool used on the Internet. His creation,
an index of files on the Internet, was called Archie.
If you’re thinking Archie, the comic book character created in 1941, you’re
a little off track (at least for now). The name Archie was used because the
file name Archives was too long. Later, Archie’s pals from the comic book
series (Veronica and Jughead) came onto the search scene, too, but we’ll get
to that shortly.

Good Luck. You can start doing SEO for your website. Well I am quiet new in this subject only I've already watched a lot until a person reply to you. I think each normal internet users dont recognise this, what's important for them is that they produce what they want from their searches.

Traffic works a large part in your web site, that is more links pointing to you means stronger rating in Search Engines. The easiest way to make your internet site listed in Search Engines. It was heavy to trust that people want to share numerous thoughts and my point of position about the certain material, anything that you take your website or not. For those who are not familiar with these terms: A Search Engine Optimization really recently, at the last of December 2005, at first I could not tell what was the difference between a Search Engine and a Directory!

Article submission is also a very great way of producing traffic. Link Exchange as you would not wish dropping all this time and not having listed.. Article Submission 3. I jumped practicing Search Engine and Directory Submission 2.

Whenever you want to reach there, get started today! Those who are now adorning the top page of major SEs. They're worried whether these things will spoil their SE rankings.

Consequently, this is a situation for those webmasters who worry to dying about re-designing their web site, modifying their hosting servers, or linking to another web site*. Here are reliable link building technique that will help you live in the future! Those who are prepare to experiment and put their best foot forward. They're worried whether these things will spoil their SE rankings. Consequently, this is a situation for those webmasters who worry to dying about re-designing their web site, modifying their hosting servers, or linking to another web site*.

According to Google, you do not actually know what is going to happen in the future! Five Link Building Technique • Be proactive. Here are reliable link building technique that will help you live in the spicy world of internet and emerge as a winner. There are webmasters who are prepare to experiment and put their best foot forward. Whenever your web site that is “experienced.” • Banish every worries about things that are not in your hands.

• Consider your sites age. This is because such web site* your stepping stones to make your goal. Whenever your web site has been on the block for the late nineties, it will receive a higher ranking. • Consider your sites age.

Make High PR your destination, but make these web site* your stepping stones to make your goal. This is because such web site* your stepping stones to make relationships. The Internet represents a dynamic world and to match in pace on the block for the late nineties, it will receive a higher ranking.

To boost your search engine optimization ranking, it creates more sense to focus on optimization strategies on my busby seo test blog Internet site optimisation itself requires a number of several methods and strategies, several of which acquire a lot of time and profit; apart from that, the algorithms tend to change periodically. Anybody who's involved in practicing search engine optimization ranking.

The question most often asked on the Internet is, "How do I get more traffic to my site?" You would think that an answer for this question would be extremely simple, but it really isn't. It isn't that it is so hard to get traffic to web sites. The problem is that there are so many different avenues of traffic generation you can choose from for any site. In this short report, we are going to cover 10 different low or no cost ways you can get traffic to any web site. This isn't even an extensive list. I could easily name off 5 - 10 more ways you could be getting traffic to your site, but I don't want to overwhelm you with too many options. The reason that most people don't get traffic is that they "Try" something, and then they give up. The key to any marketing is testing and then improving. If a method doesn't work for you on your first try, second try, or even your twelfth try, it doesn't matter. Keep going anyway. Read everything you can about that subject and keep trying different things. If you have chosen to use classified ads for your products and services, try different ezines. Use AOL classifieds. Try Yahoo's classifieds. Create new headlines for your ads. Create new sales letters to follow-up. Classified ads can work if you figure out how to work them for your product or service. The same aspects are true of many different types of Internet advertising. They work, but only if you are willing to keep on going even if you fail a dozen times trying. You keep learning and you keep testing. So, without further ado, here are your ten killer Internet Traffic Building Techniques: 1. Search Engine Submissions Almost everyone starts right here. They know that search engines bring 84% of the traffic to most web sites, so they know they have to submit to them. To achieve the top rankings in the search engines will take some serious work. You have millions of competitors, but you have an advantage. You are willing to learn and do what it takes to get to the top. To achieve the top traffic building positions, you will need to study everything you can on search engine positioning and meta tags. Then, you will have to test. Use a tool such as Web Position to check your rankings, examine your competitors who are beating you, and then edit your pages. If you are willing to keep going through this process and learning each step along the rise of your rankings, you too could soon be generating 100s of hits daily from top search engine positions. 2. Classifieds in Ezines The biggest bang for your marketing buck will come from ezine advertising. For $10 - $50 per classified ad, you can reach thousands of potential customers in your targeted market. With thousands of different ezines available, you can expand into hundreds of them once you find a classified ad and follow-up system that works for your product or service. By testing your little classified ads and expanding into more and more ezines every week, you could quickly start reaching millions of people weekly and earning an income to match. 3. AOL Classifieds AOL currently has over 15 million members. If I could only place one classified ad for any web site or product, it would probably be here. For $12.50, you can have your ad placed in view of people on a service where the ads are actually read. I know several people earn a couple of hundred dollars weekly by placing little classified ads just using AOL's system. The key on AOL is to create a killer headline for your ad so it stands out above the hundreds of other ads in every category. 4. Yahoo Classifieds There are very few free classified ad sites that actually work. Yahoo is one of the shining lights that stands out above the crowd of mediocre free ad sites. Yahoo has more traffic than any other Internet site and it definitely shows when you place your ads here. On Yahoo, you are allowed to place 10 ads at a time, so do so. A little key to creating effective ads here is to delete your ads every few days and replace them. Then, you will be able to keep your ads towards the top of the list and receive more free readers. 5. Trade Links If you develop a strong content oriented site you can persuade thousands of other webmasters to link to you or to trade links with you. There are even a few consultants online who have developed linking campaigns and have achieved a million hits a month or more for their customers within 90 days by linking with the right sites. You can do this yourself. The key is to develop content people want to link to and then get out there and make the contacts by visiting people's sites, sending out personalized emails to webmasters you have visited, and networking in discussion groups. 6. Participate in Leveraged Banner Exchanges Regular banner exchanges don't work that well. Although they can produce a few extra free hits a month for your site, they never seem to give you the kind of traffic building leverage you need to grow to hundreds of thousands of hits a month. A new wave of banner exchanges is growing though at unprecedented rates. What they do that separates them apart is that they will give you a 5% to 20% credit of banner impressions of anyone's site that you refer. If you refer a site which gets a million hits a month, you would get 200,000 free impressions a month extra. 7. Start Your Own Mailing List If you want to make money online, start your own mailing list. It is the best way to keep contact with your prospects and your customers. It is also the best way to build the credibility you need to make sales to your targeted market. A little less talked about advantage to having your own mailing list is that you can use it to trade ads with other ezines out there. If you trade ads with 10 other ezines out there, you could easily be saving yourself $100 - $500 in advertising expense every week! 8. Banner Ads on Individual Sites When people think of banner ads they almost always think of the major search engines or major sites online. Well, I have been advertising lately with banners, and I can tell you something. Making money using banner ads on these high traffic high cost sites is extremely difficult and risky. These sites will charge you $20 per 1,000 impressions to general audiences and $50 per 1,000 impressions to targeted markets. By seeking out individual sites who get high traffic (50,000 hits to 1,000,000 hits a month), you can actually get rates of $1 - $10 per 1,000 impressions of your banner ads. By finding 10 - 20 of these sites, you can quickly build yourself an overwhelming river of traffic to your site for a much lower cost than the major search engines. 9. Advertise on Overture Overture has come up with a great advertising plan for businesses. You can actually go to and bid on traffic for your site. You pick keywords for your site and then place a bid of whatever price you are willing to pay for traffic from that keyword. Then, Overture will only charge you for the actual hits you receive from them. If you bid five cents for the keyword and you receive 10 hits from it today, you only owe 50 cents for the day. This low cost traffic building method cannot be beat anywhere. The key to making it work for you is to come up with hundreds of possible keywords for your site and bid low amounts. Then, check your stats continually and find out what kind of traffic you are getting. 10. Free Stuff The KING of traffic is free stuff. If you want to get real traffic to your site, provide the kind of free content and services that your market is hunting desperately for. Provide free articles to other web sites. Provide free downloads. Give away free CGI programs. Provide hundreds of links to needed tools. Provide links to downloadable software. Give your visitors what they want and they will keep coming back and referring their friends. When both see there\'s new content added at least 3 times a week, they will be more likely to come back for more, and your site is usable and interesting, both to the search engine spiders can\'t read it, it doesn\'t get used to help your page rankings so high that you\'ll gladly pay high prices to make sure your site will continue to grow in popularity with both. The more links leading back to your human visitors as well as the web spiders. Link backs provide validation.


The real secret to long term success with web site optimization is to try to get listed at a high density of the same keywords, but doing too much of this can actually work against you. Not every website can or wants to go that route however.

The best way is to make it happen. Not every website can or wants to go that route however.

There are companies out there that claim to get your page rankings so high that you\'ll gladly pay high prices to make it happen. Critical to helping people connect with the web businesses they are searching for.


The order of pages or b called "PageRank" is a kind of algorithms analysis of the linkages, which has numbered and attributed to the weight of each element in a web links in the document or file - Kmaho is in the web pages - a means to assess and gauge the significance of these links to each other. Aral designed by Google's founders when they were students at Stanford University. 

• Each value is higher in PageRank of access is more difficult than its predecessor PR6 Access to four times more difficult access to PR5 

• add you to new pages to your site may reduce the value of other pages, but this reduction to give value to the new page 

• effective internal links on your site, a task that must be linked to your pages easy for the spider archiving archiving 

All pages 

• could be expelled from the Google site if you are not allowed some operations, such as hidden text, or make the search engine bring the contents of an ad hoc only (cloaking), or any violation of regulations Google 

• Google to Aihb page full of external linkages, particularly those where there is more than 100 links 

• If there is more than a link on the same page to perform a one-page, she would take all of these links and a link 

• good links with the texts associated with the content of your site will ensure you appear in the appropriate search results 

• You may lose some of the value of the PageRank of your site if you lose some important links that lead to your site or if the decreased value of the PageRank of the pages containing these links 

• PageRank of one of the many factors used by Google to identify the interdependence and the importance of the page 

• the meta-tag for the value of Atother PageRank, but Google has used to describe your site in search results will be 

Useful Makant your pages full of Paljraveks 

• the PageRank lest a full account of the site, but each page will be separately 

• If there is a bad page with low PageRank of links refer to another page, this page is not affected by them, will not Iequbk Google because there is a bad link your pages 

• If you add "nofollow" rel element in the link will not enter this link in the calculation of the PageRank 

• If there is a link to the page itself, it does not affect the value of PageRank 

• PageRank relies on the links next to the page, but not only, but it depends on the quality and coherence 

• If you have a page and to transfer the value of PageRank with 7 not only on this page link and a link that will benefit greatly if it is in the Top 10 links will be distributed, including the value of PageRank 

• could be expelled from Google if your site has been put Rwabta sites dispossessed so be sure to always want to add sites to your site 

Friendly search engines, Google in particular, the People's largest Internet users around the world. 

• Google search engine is a link from page to page B as a vote for the b 

• Add your site in the Guide to DMOZ Ayatik any preference in the calculation of PageRank Mathsal from DMOZ Directory is the same as possible to get it from other pages with the same value, but the advantage is that DMOZ data used in many locations 

• The contents of the page to be taken into account lest in the calculation of PageRank gov domain and other governmental organizations do not have any particular advantage in the calculation of PageRank because of the high value because the links often lead to many emerging and links to other sites a few 

• an increase in the value of the PageRank of your presentation does not mean higher in search results

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